Sunday, January 31, 2010

097 - I am

097 - I am
Originally uploaded by gingerpig2000
I think having people around who challenge you is good, if sometimes frustrating, because it is hard to think of something new when everyone around repeats what you already know or believe. I read today on my Facebook someone who was angry because a naval ship had given food to Somali pirates rather than shooting them. Well, anyone can be frustrated by such a situation, but this I happen to know that this guy does nothing for anyone but instead bums around in foreign countries with enough education to teach English but not enough vision of humanity to understand that he is part of the problem. I probably annoy him to the same extent with what in comparison to him are my liberal ideas

Whatever, earlier in the day I had seen some TV program about sharpshooters and, having had two recent photo sessions in basements, they all combined into this idea for an image. Ania took the pictures, and we were really casual in the direction department. I had to draw the gun in later as we don't even own a water pistol, which I was happy to do because I believe in not owning many things but instead making sure one gets the best out of what one already has. Note the bright white light above the victim and the darkness partially shrouding the aggressor, the arm in parallel to the gun, the muzzle flash like the spread hand, with the shadow of the hand being at the same time the shadow of the muzzle flash, and the grey arm shadow reaching out for the dark of the gun. I could go on, but I'd rather stop and let the image just BE.

This is why I like challenging people: they so often help to produce interesting picture ideas!

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