Monday, March 1, 2010

EDGY041 blues evening

EDGY041 blues evening
Originally uploaded by gingerpig2000
I spent an evening in a local bar with friends, a relatively rare even during the winter as many bar and restaurant owners here still believe they should have custom by right and not by making conditions comfortable - and so heating is often minimal.

The attraction of this bar is that it offers a corner in the main room where anyone can come in and play the blues, and as a result most tuesdays and thursdays some students and locals assemble and have a session, and you can even talk someone in to giving you lessons in a back room. There was some talk a year ago of ending these jam sessions but, to be honest, even with a huge student campus nearby the bar would die as there are other, warmer places to spend one's time.

I certainly drank too much beer, had a long talk with a drummer I had never met before, but managed to find a taxi to get me home as there was a lot of snow out there and the temperature was far below freezing. I have often walked long distances through unknown territory to get home or to the hotel, but even in my inebriated state I realized that this was not going to be one of those times.

So, instead of attempting to use blue to show a blue-with-cold blues bar, I warmed it up with red. At least then the memory will be warmer. Most of the photos I took were blurred, perhaps partly due to my inebriated state but mainly due to the very low light conditions. This has meant I had to do even more than my normal exploration of color to get images that satisfy me.

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