Wednesday, September 1, 2010

113 - MIG

113 - MIG
Originally uploaded by gingerpig2000
Museums in eastern Europe are a subject in themselves, let's just say that never has so much been collected and poorly displayed by a state institution.

The funny thing about the aviation museum in Krakpw is that I could see many things I could only dream of when interested in such things as a child. Here is the front end of a 1950s MIG fighter, with the pink added by myself. This was an era when production techniques often lagged far behind the technology of the aircraft systems - here you can see quite a bit of hand worked panel beating and a landing light probably not too dissimilar to a tractor headlight faired in behind a bent perspex sheet.

It remind me of the cars of the 1950s - dreamboat styling on running gear not that much different to that of the 1920s.

What I mean to say is that it is not even close to being essential that your manual skills be close to the level of your ideas as long as your ideas are at or beyond the cutting edge. Manual skills only become important once enough people understand what is going on and can standardise the processes.

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