Tuesday, November 23, 2010

145 - Terror - Who Pays

People think it is acceptable to put fear into others who are innocent, it is the simplest way of trying to achieve a gaol. I mean, you could pay to advertise, but they would rather use fear on the innocent.

Anyway, I drew this one from scratch, which made a nice change, and I incorporated things in it which I thought people would understand, as well as things which I understand.

I have been using this wipe technique for so many pictures it has become the method, nothing else comes close to expressing what I want to say. I mean here I could have just left it the original boxy graphics, the equivalent of a normal photo in my eye, but I want to put more life into it by blurring things that are not important and giving movement to those that are.

I see a lot of highly skilled Photoshop operators who can produce highly realistic imagery of fantastic scenes. You can imagine here how someone else might blend a man with a building, with an aircraft coming in to crash, all highly realistic like a cinema film. But would it offer any more than added realism?

Monday, November 22, 2010

144 - Ania in Three

144 - Ania in Three
Originally uploaded by gingerpig2000
I have really got behind in my blogging, just too much work going on - plus there has been plenty of action on the multiplayer internet game I play.

This is a triptych, actually three seperate images, that I have been working on for home display initially. I wanted bol, bright, a combination of techniques past and present, and not something I was trying to copy from other people's work - although the influence of previous contact, concious or not, is obvious.

This is Ania and this is part of the city that has been built while she has been living - 1970s in the background and the naughties in the foreground. Two different eras.

I could have arrange the image differently so that the crop cut different on Ania's head, but I don't want that purity of separation - body/legs/feet. Getting that purity in life is often the sign of something artificial, either in the physical world or the way we perceive the physical.

For example, Communism did not start promptly in 1945 and finish in 1989 - things from the near and distant past hang on either in the real world because it is impractical to remake everything overnight, and in people's thinking. So, most people live in housing from another political era, some still desire to escape back there, some are still trying to escape it. Nothing is fully translucent.