Wednesday, April 10, 2013

092 - Catwalk Girl

092 - Catwalk Girl by gingerpig2000
092 - Catwalk Girl, a photo by gingerpig2000 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
I did this mostly to show that any photograph has potential, even if blurry after being taken in a poorly lit corridor. The only thing I have added are the lights.

Don't get me wrong, I like the way people take sharp images using lights and real models, I just think that there are other things one can do with photography, especially if you cannot afford specialist equipment.

At the end of the day, I like to encourage people to do things that are worthwhile without having to go down the route of large investments.

See my other images for sale:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

077 - Ania in Yellow

077 - Ania in Yellow by gingerpig2000
077 - Ania in Yellow, a photo by gingerpig2000 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Ania had her hair cut shorter today than she has ever had it before. This is in a cafe shortly after.

I often wonder how many group hugs one can have in life and yet not be moved to take action that may help prevent the need for such hugs. Facebook is full of such 'hugs' over different images.

Come together in shock at a picture, walk away washed of all guilt.

It cannot be just me that sees the blame is elsewhere, but here. Can it?