Wednesday, June 30, 2010

092 - Catwalk Girl

092 - Catwalk Girl
Originally uploaded by gingerpig2000
I did this mostly to show that any photograph really does have potential, even if blurry after being taken in a poorly lit corridor. The only thing I have added to the picture here are the lights, although most of the surface area of the original image has gone (well, did you really want to see a scrappy corridor from a mall? I can send you that if you want.).

Don't get me wrong, I like the way people take sharp images using lights and real models, I just think that there are other things one can do with photography, especially if you cannot afford specialist equipment.

At the end of the day, I like to encourage people to do things that are worthwhile without having to go down the route of large investments.

Even better, this kind of shot helps my wife feel good about herself, which can be a hard enough process because I have to compete with every slight she has ever received, real or imaginary, direct or indirect.

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