Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ancient Town Square

Ancient Town Square by gingerpig2000
Ancient Town Square, a photo by gingerpig2000 on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
A quiet square in the old town of Lublin, with a mixture of building styles from different eras.

European architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the creation of large blocks of apartments, with an archway that gave access to both the building and a small square behind the building. The idea was that your carriage could pull in under the arch, and you could alight and enter your building comfortably in even the worst of weathers. If you owned your carriage, then it and the horses could be housed in the enclosed square.

Of course, most people could not afford a carriage, but the design persisted. Today, it is hard to find original stables and carriage houses, but here and there they survive with new uses.

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